I Jailbroke My iPhone Solely For Last.fm Scrobbling

Ever since I upgraded my jailbroken iPhone 3GS when the iOS 4 Gold Master came out, I have not really missed being jailbroken. The only reason I jailbroke in the first place was for multitasking, a feature that is now a part of iOS. However, I have missed being able to scrobble all my plays directly from the iPod app on my iPhone to Last.fm using the Jailbreak app, Scrobbl.

Today, a new jailbreak went up at http://jailbreakme.com. So I went to the website in Mobile Safari and about a minute late my 3GS was jailbroken. While I can appreciate the neatness of http://jailbreakme.com I find it a bit scary that a website can gain that much access over my iDevice. That being said, I hit up Cydia and downloaded Scrobbl (which does work with iOS 4 even though it says iPhone 3 only). Once again, all my plays are scrobbled directly from my device.

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